


Read This Carefully:

Luke Thorburg is the visionary founder of Thordigi Media, a dynamic marketing agency specializing in Facebook and TikTok advertising. Luke's mission was clear: to assist businesses in leveraging the power of video content for Facebook and TikTok ads, thereby fostering business growth. However, despite his profound knowledge and dedication, Luke was facing a challenge – his video content wasn't resonating as effectively as he desired, hindering his business's potential outreach and growth.

The Challenge: Luke's video content was falling short of capturing the attention of his target audience. His TikTok videos were averaging a modest 200-300 views, failing to convey the value he and his agency could bring to potential clients. Recognizing the need for a transformative change, Luke sought the expertise of Darshik, for video editing and post-production

The Expertise:

Strategies Implemented:

Attention-Grabbing Hooks:

Subtitles for Accessibility:

Repurposing and Diversification:

Results Achieved:

The collaboration between Luke and Darshik yielded remarkable results: